

Hi, I am Dhairya and welcome to my blog! My day job is that of a Design & Marketing Consultant and my night job is of creating and curating travel experiences for myself.

I travel whenever I can and am always looking for an escape from this bustling city of Mumbai.  For me travelling is much more than ticking off the must do's. I travel light & slow and love to delve deeper into the local cultures and experiences.

I have been cradled lovingly in the awe taking lap of Gujarat, grew up in over ten locations across India and have been on the move constantly ever since. It's been close to two years that I have seriously started pursuing my love for travel and exploring places which I had always dreamt of visiting.

I am a self-professed foodie with a fondness for Indian cuisine. I am a dreamer and a constant learner and I derive joy from the simplest of pleasures and am inspired by people from different walks of life. I believe in continuous learning and seek out to embrace new ideas.

Apart from travelling and trying out new food every time, I hold a keen interest in aviation, and airports for me are the happiest places on earth, a portal to someplace magical.

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